If you are suffering from a personal injury due to negligence, you may want to make an appointment with an Orlando personal injury attorney. Any injury, whether it is due to medical malpractice, a car crash or an accident at your job, entitles you to consult with an attorney about the possibility of filing a lawsuit against the negligent person or business that caused your injury.
Talk to an Attorney without Paying any Fees
When you have a consultation with a personal injury attorney, the lawyer will ask you for details about the circumstances that caused your injury. You will need to submit some kind of proof to the attorney. The lawyer will then decide if you have a valid case. You do not need to pay any money for your initial consultation, and you also do not need to pay any legal fees until you win your case.
File a Lawsuit and Worry about the Bill after Your Lawyer Wins Your Case
If the lawyer does not win the case, you are not obligated to pay any fees, so it is worth your time to have a consultation with a lawyer about your personal situation. This is commonly known as a no win, no fee case. In other words, you never pay a fee unless the attorney either reaches an out-of-court settlement or you receive a specified monetary amount awarded by the court.
Receive Financial Help for Your Pressing Medical Bills
If you have recently lost your job due to an injury caused by negligence, you may find it difficult to pay your medical expenses and mortgage bills. You may not have a savings account, so losing a job can cause a serious financial situation. If a personal attorney is willing to take your case, you might qualify for receiving assistance with medical bills. If your attorney wins the case, you will receive a settlement amount minus a specified percentage for the legal fees and any other monetary assistance you previously received.
Abide by the Statute of Limitations Law
If a loved one was recently killed in a car crash, you may want to speak with an Orlando personal injury attorney. It is best to set up a time for your initial consultation right away, because the Statute of Limitations for filing a wrongful death claim in Florida is typically two years. This means that you need to file your claim before the two-year period ends. Although compensation will not mend all of your emotional wounds, the extra money will help you to cope with your financial problems.
Diez-Arguelles & Tejedor, Orlando’s Top Personal Injury Attorney and Lawyer.